GUEST POST – When Truth is Stranger than Fiction


Hi everyone! I’m Megan from Semi-Charmed Kind of Life, and I’m excited to be posting on Doing it the Open Way as part of Daire’s Non Fic November. (Great idea, lady!) Books and reading are a huge part of my blog, but I also try to find time to post about travel and other personal interests like pretty stationery. Please feel free to stop by after you read this post! 🙂 And now—for what you really came to read—the nonfiction stuff:

They say “truth is stranger than fiction.” Do you agree? I’ve compiled a list of fiction/nonfiction pairs based around certain topics. I initially wanted to do this because I’m hosting a seasonal reading challenge over at my blog, and one of the categories is to read a pair of such books. The example I used in my challenge post was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Woman Who Wasn’t There, which are both about 9/11. After soliciting ideas from my readers and perusing my local library, here are some other pairs: 

History: I’ll admit it: I love historical fiction. Once I had a few of my favorite historical fiction novels in mind, it was so easy to walk through the history section of the library and find nonfiction books to pair with them. You can also look in the back of almost any historical fiction novel and look at what sources the author used to research his or her book. Here’s just a short list of the many possibilities:

Health: I don’t know if “health” is the best word for this category, but this is for book pairings that address medical or other conditions.

Just for fun: Personally, I think this is the most fun-sounding pairing of the whole list. 🙂

Other ideas for topics include sports (e.g. a fictional book about a high school football team and Friday Night Lights), religion (e.g. Angels and Demons and a nonfiction book about the history of the Illuminati) or basically anything that interests you!

What good pairs can you think of? Thanks for letting me post today, Daire! I’m looking forward to the rest of the month’s nonfiction-based posts. 🙂

7 thoughts on “GUEST POST – When Truth is Stranger than Fiction

  1. Pingback: {Non Fic November} Book Chat | Doing it the Open Way

  2. Thanks so much for having me, Daire! My favorite part about this post was the research, because I basically just got to wander through the library and take pictures of book covers I thought looked interesting and relevant. 🙂

  3. I love pairing non-fiction and fiction. I think it’s fun to be immersed in a particular topic by reading multiple books and it’s also fun to see how closely the fiction matches the facts 🙂

  4. Pingback: {Non Fic November} A Summary | Doing it the Open Way

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